Preguntas y Respuestas


Yes! Our love for pets is unconditional. In fact, we have already portrayed ferrets, horses, raccoons, pigs... You can see many of them on our Instagram

If they are just as cute as pets, yes (joke). We have designed the "Family Portraits" option for those who want to immortalize their company. Two of our artists are specialists in drawing human faces. You can see examples here.

You can select the option during the purchase process. Once done, you just have to add photos of what you want and that's it.

No, it is optional. You can write "No name" in the box where we ask you this question, and that's it

Of course. On the same portrait we can include as many pets as you want, although we recommend a maximum of 3.

Sure! When ordering your portrait, you can choose between:
21x30cm: equivalent to an A4 poster of paper.
30x40cm: twice the size of an A4.
40x50cm: double the size of the previous one. In other words, very large!

Yes, we llike you to participate in the process. Once you receive the digital format by email, you have 24 hours to request a revision. Keep in mind that, if necessary, your portrait will take a little longer to arrive. But all for the sake of meeting your expectations!


Our artists take great care of  every detail in each portrait. From the moment you place your order and (important) we accept the photo, it takes us 5 to 8 working days to send you the portrait in digital format.

If you have also requested a poster or canvas, it will arrive 5-7 working days after receiving the digital format. In short, let's say about 2 weeks! (3-4 more days for orders outside Spain)

PS: When we send you the digital format, you will have 24 hours to tell us if you like it. In case you need it, you can request a totally free revision 🤓.

As soon as we drop off your package at the post office, you will receive a code so you can track it :) 

On the checkout screen, you can select the destination to see the shipping cost.

Send us a photo and we'll take care of filing a claim with the shipping company. We take your satisfaction very seriously, so we'll do everything we can to fix it right away.


To avoid this from happening (which would be very rare!), we send you a digital version before sending you the physical one. So, if you have any suggestions, that's the time to share them :)

We don't accept returns. Keep in mind that portraits are customized, so they are made special for you. That's why we take the review process so seriously.

In order to meet our deadlines, our artists get to work as soon as they receive the photo, so you can only cancel the order if we haven't accepted the images yet.  Send us an email at and we'll see what can we do. 

If it's been more than 2 weeks, write to us and we'll file a claim with the shipping company. The possibility of that portrait not landing at your house doesn't exist!


If you still have questions, you can contact us...
💌 By writing us an email at
📱 Through our Instagram @artandpaw

In both cases, we'll try to answer you as soon as possible.